With the closure of schools due to COVID19, the Ministry of Education and Sports (MoES) frame work for distance learning provides for radio, TV and online lessons to be “aired by model teachers selected from districts across the country, at a stipulated time and parents/ guardians/siblings are encouraged to support learners to listen/watch when these are being aired. These lessons will be delivered on different media platforms across the country. The pre-recorded lessons by the MoES will complement the teacher led lessons. An allocation of 2 hours per day on radio or television for all the levels for 6 days a week has been provided for. This translates into 12 hours per week for all the classes (48 hours for one month).”
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To find out more about the education frame work, follow this link: http://www.education.go.ug/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/Final-version-of-the-framework-17.4.20.pdf
To view the Uganda Broadcating Corporation National Education Program Time Table follow this link: http://www.education.go.ug/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/TIME-TABLE-MOE-a.xls.xlsx